What is Long Term Care?
We hear a lot about long term care these days. Exactly what is it? Who needs it? Who provides it?
Some Statistics
“About 70 percent of people over age 65 need some type of long-term care during their lifetime. More than 40 percent need care in a nursing home for some period of time,” says the National Institute of Health (NIH). According to the NIH, what is termed long term care (LTC) can actually last for a long time or a short time. Long term care can be delivered in an institutional setting or the home. It would depend on the specific situation and needs of the patient.
Long Term Care Definition
LTC has become a very broad term and evolved into a term for the type of care required rather than the time period. A patient might require long term care due to a sudden illness or injury. In that case, rehabilitative therapy may be required in a long term facility such as a nursing home. On the other hand, the patient might need long term, on-going care due to disease progression such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Who Needs LTC?
We usually think of LTC with respect to our elderly population, (about 60% of individuals over age 65 will require services). LTC is also provided to younger individuals (about 40% of those receiving services are between age 18 and 64). As such, we need to start thinking about LTC and its associated supports and insurance sooner than once considered.
In the case of an elderly person, the need for care can be the result of a sudden event such as a fall or stroke or it can develop more gradually. You might notice signs and symptoms of your senior loved one faltering over the course of months or even years. Once you start noticing your loved one might need help, you will want to begin acquainting yourself with various services you may need in the future.
Services Provided
Before it comes to the point where total personal care is required for their activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing, grooming and dressing, other ancillary services might be necessary. For example, there are transportation services such as Access-A-Ride when the senior is no longer driving. There are also meal plans such as Meals on Wheels once the senior is no longer able to shop and cook their own meals. Also, there is adult day care and senior centers to help get them out to socialize and keep active.
Remaining at home means you must make sure the environment is safe and there is enough coverage. This is when elder proofing and emergency response systems may be in order. They can be a necklace, bracelet or watch which can come in handy. It can be crucial should the senior fall or have a catastrophic event while alone.
Home Health Aide
Even when care does not dictate admission to a facility, the intense demands of caregiving may make paid LTC with a home health aide a necessity. The 2015 AARP study on Caregiving in the US reports that over 40 million Americans provided unpaid care to adults last year. Incredibly, the average was 44.6 hours for spouses or partners. With 1 in 10 of those caregivers being elderly themselves at 75 years or older, it would seem caregiving by a family member alone may be a short term solution.
Institutional Care
Institutional care comes in all shapes and sizes. An interesting option for seniors is Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs). These offer independent housing, assisted living and skilled nursing home care under one roof. Someone may start off living independently, but may graduate into higher level care without a big move. In a CCRC, they will be able to move into different levels of care as they need it. It also enables spouses needing various levels of care to be close to each other.
Each wing of the CCRC comes with different amenities. Those who are more independent will have different psycho-social needs than those who are not. As well, the classes, entertainment and meals cater to the diverse segments of residents.
Affording Care
All this sounds interesting, but how do people afford all this?
Aside from personal savings, there is long term care insurance available with a variety of options and various levels of coverage. This is less expensive the earlier you sign on. LTC insurance covers care not covered by health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. It also protects your savings accounts from becoming depleted by the increasing costs of healthcare. Premiums may be tax deductible, in some cases up to 100%. Having LTC insurance also eliminates the burden to family members who would be providing this care.
Financial planners can help make investments taking into account long time horizons. Some recommend taking out a reverse mortgage on your home to fund eldercare. Some life insurance policies will allow for an accelerated death benefit. Furthermore, there may be a home healthcare rider to pay for eldercare with the disbursed sum to be deducted from the eventual payout.
We have all heard of government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. These should be explored in addition to any veteran’s benefits and social security. With nursing home care being so expensive and Medicaid eligibility requirements, there are elder law attorneys, financial planners and geriatric care managers that specialize in spending down assets to take advantage of Medicaid funding.
Planting Seeds
If we are lucky enough to be blessed with long life, aging is a certainty. The ancient Greek Agesilaus said, “By sowing frugality we reap liberty, a golden harvest.” In today’s terms, we need to plant seeds for retirement and declining health long before the day comes. If we put the proper supports in place early enough, those years are sure to be golden.
David York Agency Home Healthcare Helps Seniors
At David York Home Healthcare Agency, extraordinary service is what sets us apart from other companies in (region name with link) that provide in home health care services. At DYA, we could provide direction as to how to manage the total care of your senior loved one. Whatever your care needs, we are there for you, always striving to exceed your expectations. For more information about David York Agency’s qualified, compassionate caregivers, contact us at (908) 373-5300. A free phone consultation can help you determine what services would meet your needs. We aim to provide you and your loved one with the assistance they need. If you’d like to hear more from us, please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.
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